====================== General Info ======================= Title :The guillotine Filename :headsaw.qle Date :May 13, 1997 Author :DS Email Address :dsatan@erols.com Library Theme :Traps Description : This is a guillotine. When you walk into it, it smashes down on you. You can attach buttons to it (right now, there is a trigger at the guillotine). This is not a very accurate guillotine since in a real one you'd be placing your head into a circle, while guards keep you there until the blade came down. Unfortunately, there are no guards nearby to do that (ogres and zombies are too stupid :}). Good for single player decorations or deathmatch traps (you have to be quick!!!). Download Sites : http://www.qoole.com Additional Credits : The gods who made Qoole: it's better than that stinking Worldcraft (it has VERTEX support!!! MAJOR IMPROVEMENT FOR EDITORS!!! 3D PREVIEW, ALIGNMENT, AND VERTEX MOVEMENT IN ONE!!!!!!!), Id software: Different gods who made QUAKE!!! Without them the name QOOLE wouldn't even exist!!! ======================= Construction ====================== Texture Wad(s) Used : quake101.wad, or qoole.wad Build Time : 1 day Known Bugs : no errors were found when compiling, and there no gameplay errors (except maybe the fact that you can escape the guillotine :}). There are also no visible errors. ======================== File Index ======================= 0preview.bsp Preview of prefab objects in Quake. 0preview.qle Source for the preview level. headsaw.qle The guillotine prefab. ======================= Other Info ========================= none. ================= Copyright / Permissions ================== These BSP/QLE file(s) may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems (without my permission). You are authorized to put these BSP/MAP/QLE/WAD files on any CD or distribute it in any way (without my permission). Just give me credit (you know who you are, and so do I, so don't complain when I crawl through your executive's window and execute him on a real guillotine). Permission to distribute these BSP, MAP, QLE and/or WAD file(s) on the Qoole Web/ftp site and on the Qoole CDROM is hereby granted.